Vector 1. estrutura literária da disposição das vozes: ÓPERA & PARLAMENTO
[Vector 1. literary structure of voices display: OPERA & PARLIAMENT]
Wood, concrete, glass and glass paints
215 x 85 x 85 cm
Vector 2. fisiologia da voz: TRAQUEIAS & GLOTES
[Vector 2. physiology of the voice: TRACHEAS AND GLOTTIS]
Plaster and clay (14 elements), wood plynth.
80 x 120 x 20 cm
Vector 3. fisiologia da audição: CÓCLEAS
[Vector 3. physiology of hearing: COCHLEAE]
2 — A: 39 x 72 x 38 cm; B: 45 x 82 x 40 cm
Clay, plaster, acrylic spray and cosmetics.
3 —A: 25 x 47 x 2,5 cm; B: 25 x 40 x 2,5 cm; C: 25 x 44 x 3 cm
Vector 4. variantes de decomposição dos mecanismos de censura (AÇAIMES): RUÍDO
[Vector 4. decomposition variants of censorship mechanisms' (MUZZLES): NOISE]
Clay, black acrylic plaster, glass paints on aluminium plates.
5 — 140 x 100 cm
Vector 4. variantes de decomposição dos mecanismos de censura (AÇAIMES): RUÍDO
[Vector 4. decomposition variants of censorship mechanisms' (MUZZLES): NOISE]
Clay, black acrylic plaster, glass paints on aluminium plates.
4 — 100 x 60 cm
Clay, plaster, acrylic spray and cosmetics
15 X 26 X 4,5 cm
Clay, plaster, acrylic spray and cosmetics
13 x 26 x 5 cm
Clay, plaster, acrylic spray and cosmetics
12,5 x 27 x 4,5 cm
Clay, plaster, acrylic spray and cosmetics
15 x 27 x 4,5 cm