

Cabeça—Coração by choreographer Bruno Alexandre, was inspired by works of art from various artists, including "Sistema Coreográfico — a partir do ZumZum das Vespas Mecânicas / Choreographic System — from the ZumZum of the Mechanical Wasps," authored by me.

Matéria Viva, within the scope of the research project TREE AND FOREST, at the Pernambuco Porto Institute.


Overview of my graphic and editorial work, solo and in collaboration “Editoria Errância” at Galeria 3, Culturgest Lisboa.

"O que aconteceu ainda está porvir", by Ana Vaz, at Batalha, Centro de Cinema in partnership with Solar — Galeria de Arte Cinemática, featuring excerpts from my text "Os Últimos Habitantes” (leonorana #6).

Part of the selection of works exhibited in “da desigualdade constante dos dias de Leonor”, CAM, Lisboa.

Exhibition “CORPO MANIFESTAÇÃO. Uma proposta de construção de um laboratório sobre TRANSMISSÕES DA PERFORMANCE-ARTE NOS FEMINISMOS EM PORTUGAL“ at Performing the Archive, Porto.

Presentation of "Chão de Urtigas" at the Sala Estúdio (cinema), Perpétuo—Educação e Cultura, Porto.

Residency at OSSO Cultural Association. 



Organization and facilitation of workshop TerraMar2024 — a SummerSchool at Earthsea, Perpétuo—Educação e Cultura.


Group show "Fascinum" at Galeria Pedro Oliveira, Porto.

Group Show, Direitos, Liberdades e Garantias, at the Exhibition Pavilion of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, where I am presenting drawings of the covers of the Leonorana magazine.


In the last weekend of June, I will be presenting my work at this amazing event in Santa Clara de Sabóia called "escola provisória para nada," this year under the theme grand finale.

I will be in a conversation about making fanzines in the 90s at the new Bedeteca of Porto.

Final presentation of the Encontros de Primavera XIX residency at the Ecomuseum of Picote.


I am participating in the ARCOlisboa fair from May 23rd to 26th, at the Cordoaria Nacional in Lisbon, at the Galeria Quadrado Azul stand.

Residency at Encontros da Primavera, Picote, Portugal.


Conference CONNECTING LINES: TRACING CARE AT THE INTERSECTION OF FEMINISM AND ECOLOGY, organized by the Society City of Women, at the Modern Gallery, Ljubljana.

Leonorana #7 we care a lot, out now!
First presentation at MAAT.


Poetry reading of "Le livre du Tigre" (Isabel Meyrelles, 1977) with Cecile Paris, followed by a conversation between Fernando Curopos and Isabel Carvalho about Isabel Meyrelles and the Botequim (historic bistro in Lisbon) at PAN café.

Residency at the PAN café.
Press release in the edition of Inrockuptibles.

"Um Olhar de Leonor Antunes sobre a Coleção do CAM”, 3rd edition of the "Artists Join the Embassy" project, at the Official Residence, Madrid, Spain.


Inland Book’s presentation.

"Jornadas Poesia e Performance II — Corpo, Manifesto" taking place at FLUP and Casa Comum, Porto.

Leonorana #8 Surveillance, out now!
First presentation at Batalha Centro de Cinema.

Group show “Arqueologia do tempo presente: obras da coleção da Fundação Ilídio Pinho“ [Archaeology of the present: works from the Ilídio Pinho Foundation collection], Universidade de Aveiro.


Out now! Feets of clay, in a beautiful format! With an interview in it.

A conversation featuring Mikhail Karikis, Paula Pinto, Maruan Sipert, Raquel Castro, and Rosa Alice Branco as part of the activities program surrounding the exhibition “Casting a Sounding Voice”.

LABORATÓRIO VIVO / Projeto TRIANGULAR (partnership between EAAD/CIAJG/CAAA — Guimarães) - guided tour to my exhibition "Casting a Sounding Voice", CAAA - Guimarães, for the 2nd year students of LAV (Universidade do Minho).


I'll be in conversation with Philip Cabau and Antonia Gaeta about Francisca Carvalho's beautiful exhibition “Pantalons pour attirer le vent”.

Conference at Porto Design Biennale — part of the conference series Aquilégio.

Wrote an article for Contemporânea magazine about CATHARSIS — an exhibition curated by Margarida Mendes that is part of the Porto Design Biennale 2023.

Solo show Casting a Sounding Voice at CAAA. 

Group show, “We Are Not Somewhere, Ernesto de Sousa with other Aesthetic Operators”, Paint it black, Torino, Italy.


Participation in the conversation "Art, Emotions, and Therapy" as part of the parallel program for the Portreto de la Animo exhibition.

Participating in the seminar on the Economics of the Artists, organized by the Escola de Arquitectura, Arte e Design (EAAD) at the Universidade do Minho, in partnership with the Escola de Arte e Design — Caldas da Rainha, part of the Instituto Plitécnico de Leiria (ESAD.CR).

Group Show  “O Meu Corpo É o Teu Corpo" (My Body Is Your Body) at CAPC — Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra, in Coimbra.


My poems, Teatro das Plantas, have been published in DiVersos, a magazine dedicated to Poetry and Translation.


Leonorana #7 We care a lot in collaboration with maat extended

Leonorana #6 Nuclear, out now!


Projection of the video that followed the performance “O Teatro das Plantas”, as part of the residency at Performing the Archive.

Back to provisional school for nothing.

Residency at Performing the Archive between June and July 2023.


Audio piece for the 1st edition of EXTEMPORÂNEA - Balleteatro & Jardim Botânico da Universidade do Porto, 17th and 18th June.


AQUISIÇÕES 2021-2022. Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.

“Sistema Coreográfico — a Partir do ZumZum das Vespas Mecânicas / Choreographic System — from the ZumZum of the Mechanical Wasps” at Mupi Gallery /Maus Hábitos,

Talk at ESAP about Leonorana magazine.

Group Show Ver no Escuro, curated by Ana Anacleto, at Águeda Arts Centre


Launch of Langages Tissés at Matéria Prima, Porto, on the 6th April, 6pm. With a very special presentation by COBRACORAL.


Conference around the exhibition 3 revues at the L'ÉCOLE SUPÉRIEURE D'ART ET DESIGN LE HAVRE-ROUEN


Arco Madrid 2023, Galeria Quadrado Azul.

Group show #Slow #Stop... #Think #Move, at Chiado 8, Lisboa.

Performance "O teatro das plantas” (2023), integrated in the event "De corpo presente" - cycle of performative programming in celebration of the artist Aurélia de Souza organized by the Museu da Cidade and Museu Soares dos Reis, Porto. With musical accompaniment by Kali / João Leonardo.

Insert for Contemporânea #9, The medium is the Memory.


Exhibition of the project Acquisitions of the Municipal Art Collection, at Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto.

QAXXXV (epilogue, p.2), anniversary group exhibition of the Quadrado azul gallery, Lisbon.

I was nominated for Follow Fluxus.


UBERRO - presentation, December 18 at Serralves Museum, programa de Artes Performativas, in collaboration with / and by invitation of João-Artur-Gomes-Alves

Green Flames, group show at Galería Albarrán Bourdais, Madrid, Spain.

Presentation of the exhibition catalogue “Les Péninsules démarrées”.

“A Exposição da ZDB”, group show at CIAJG - Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães.


Launch of Langages Tissés at after8, Paris, on the 2 November, 7pm.
The publication comes after the exhibition at the centre d'art Le Lait (2021), was edited by Estelle Nabeyrat and Antoine Marchand, published by Atlas, distributed by les presses du réel with the support of CNAP and Fundação calouste Gulbenkian.


Guided visit to the exhibition Museu Mineiro, Quadrado Azul Porto Gallery.


Mining Museum (Museu Mineiro), solo show at Galeria Quadrado Azul, Porto.

Group show “Les Péninsules démarrées”, at Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA, France.


É um oceano, não é uma poça de onde se bebe uma vez (It’s an ocean, not a puddle from which you only drink once).

Group show “Tale About Urban Piracy”, Fundação PLMJ collection at Festival das Artes QuebraJazz 2022, Museu Municipal de Coimbra, Coimbra.

The Grottos Community... new findings, at The grotto | collective project, curated by Hugo Canoilas, at Galeria Quadrado Azul, Lisboa.

Part of the event provisional school for nothing, in Sabóia.  


Group show “Corpo manifestação. Destaque, Elisabete Mileu” in Lembrar o futuro: arquivo de performance de Egídio Álvaro (1937-2020), Espaço RAMPA, Porto.

Illustrations for the cover of the magazine Psiax dedicated to research in the field of drawing. 

Group Show, at Galeria Quadrado Azul, Porto.

Book Launch: open environment, presented by Leonorana at The Engine Room @ Singapore Art Museum, Singapore.


Group show “tout ce que je veux — artistes portugaises de 1900 à 2020”, at Centre de Création Contemporaine, Olivier Debré (CCC OC), Tours, France.


Launching of the Leonorana #5 Ambientes / Environments at Spirit Shop, Lisboa.

Presentation title "Referências Cruzadas", in the Politécnico de Leiria, Viveiros ESAD.CR, Caldas da Rainha. Launching of the Leonorana #5 Ambientes / Environments

"As sementes do verão"/"The seeds of summer", essay published in the catalogue "Alberto Carneiro - A natureza em Movimento / Nature in Motion"

Group show "Strange Attractor", at Pavilhão Branco, Lisboa.

Group show "Ernesto de Sousa, Exercícios de Comunicação Poética com Outros Operadores Estéticos", at Galeria Avenida da Índia and Galeria Quadrum, Lisboa.

"O género do programa", essay published in the artist's book research publication "if it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, it's a duck".


Collaborative event LIGA #2 | Isabel Carvalho + Diogo Bolota at Zaratan - Arte Contemporânea, Lisboa


Solo show, "Langages Tissés" at Centre d'art contemporain Le Lait, Albi, France.

Group show "Pés de barro" at Galeria Municipal, Porto.

"Tudo o que eu quero — Artistas portuguesas de 1900 a 2020" at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.


Group show "Situação 21 — Ária do encanto - uma flor que talvez não distinga o céu e a terra" at Galeria Quadrado Azul, Porto.

Online public presentation Residencies Rewired, Session #1, at NTU-CCA.

Published a group of drawings in eLyra n. 16 (2020): Género, Sexualidades, Raça. Que Poesia Hoje?.

Launching of the magazine leonorana #4 Cuidar/Care.

Group show "Que horas são que horas _ uma galeria de histórias", Galeria Municipal, Porto.

Artist in residence at NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore Residencies Programme, Singapore. 

Prize / 12º Prémio Amadeo Souza-Cardoso.

Artworks for the double album of Marçal dos Campos and MdC + Ana3

Nominated for Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso prize (PASC) .

Represented by Galeria Quadrado Azul at ARCO Lisboa

Represented by Galeria Quadrado Azul at ARCO Madrid

Poems published in the magazine DiVersos - Poesia e Tradução.


LauCampo Aberto , Porto.


Interview and visual essay for "Páginas Inquietas/Restless Pages" publication.

Launching of the magazine leonorana #3 (Climas/Climates) and solo presentation "Tácita" at Segundas na Z (ZDB), Lisboa.


Solo show AR(a)C(hné)-EN-CIEL at Galeria Quadrado Azul, Lisboa.

"O jacaré", essay published in the catalogue, Bienal de Coimbra 2019.


Inland journal 14 publication with the title os surfistas matam abelhas / surfers kill bees .

Visiting fellow at Maaretta Jaukkuri Foundation, Noruega.

Text "The functions. The artist-editor" for the Bulletin of the exhibition "Biblioteca na Biblioteca", at the Serralves Museum.

Group show "A musa em férias", Casa Museu Guerra Junqueiro, Porto.

Group show "Biblioteca na Biblioteca. Auto-edição no Porto 1999-2019 / LIBRARY IN THE LIBRARY. Self-publishing in Porto, 1999-2019", at the Serralves Museum.

ARCO MADRID, stand Galerias Municipais de Lisboa
Group show "Achados", project "Gruta" at Galeria Quadrado Azul, Lisboa.


Solo show / Presentation "loja dos espíritos - em cadeia de marcas partidas, moldadas - soma de enunciados - à semelhança das profecias sem fundo, suspensas na película - à tona - combinam-se - para resistirem, por extenso, a serem capturados num só passo!" and Leonorana #2 magazine release at Spirit Shop.

Leonorana #2 magazine release at Manifesto.


Solo show "Os ovários das papoilas", Sismógrafo, Porto


Curatorial project for Porto's Book Fair: Cabine de Escalas.

Group show "Não é ainda o mar", org. Sismógrafo, at Convento Corpus Christi, Vila Nova de Gaia.

Cover and drawings for bell hooks portuguese edition of "Ain't I a woman?", "Não serei eu uma mulher?", publisher by Orfeu Negro


Interview and visual essay for the magazine OEI #80–81: The zero alternative. Ernesto de Sousa and some other aesthetic operators in Portuguese art and poetry from the 1960s onwards.

Group show "O estado das coisas", Instituto Camões, Berlim.

Contribution to the magazine Pontes de Vista - special issue dedicated to Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso.

Contribution to the magazine Surto 1.

Group show "ZERO EM COMPORTAMENTO: OBRAS DA COLEÇÃO DE SERRALVES", at the Serralves Museum, Porto.

Group show "Ver as vozes dos artistas", at Porto's Metro stations, Porto.


Performance "O CHÁ-MU" at the Serralves Museum, Porto.


Presentation at the event 79th edition of OEI magazine at Moderna Museet, Stockholm.


Visual essay for Revista Contemporânea.

Group show "Feliz Ano Novo", Galeria Comercial Mota Galiza, Porto.

Group show QAXXX(P3) / QAXXX(P4) at Galeria Quadrado Azul, Porto & Lisboa.

Paper presentation at INSULA 3, Funchal.

Leonorana magazine #1 dietas/diets release.
For more info: / .
Also with facebook and instagram account.

Group show "O livro disperso / The book dispersed" at Casa das Artes (Porto) curated by Media Instáveis.

Happy to be part of this research project (by Ana Romana) with an interview.

Debate at the event MARIAS. Organised by Mezzanine.

Group show "A Arte como Experiência do Real",
Coleção de Ivo Martins em Depósito no Museu de Serralves", CIAJG, Guimarães.

Small edition of the complete collection of posters from K to IV (2011-2012) for Navio Vazio. Soon available at Inc.


Group show "Questions of Relief", at the Galeria Vertical Silo Auto (Porto)
Title of the work presented: "Não pisar carros / Não fumar flores / Não deitar cães / Não arrancar lixo / Não riscar pombos / Não colher alarmes / Não passear fumos / Não alimentar trelas / Não levar fogos / Não comer coimas / Não estacionar silêncios / Não urinar grafitis" ["Do not step on cars / Do not smoke flowers / Do not throw dogs / Do not pick up trash / Do not scratch pigeons / Do not pick up alarms / Do not walk smokes / Do not feed leashes / Do not take fires / Do not eat fines / Do not park silences / Do not urinate graffiti"]

Group show "Signals", at the Nordic guest studio Malongen, Stockholm. 

Release of the book collection: 'A Book of Small Things' - a publishing project by Panayiotis Michael (Cyprus). The title of my collaboration: "A Handful of Figures"

Residency at the The Nordic art association (NKF), Stockholm.


Group show "Quanto tempo falta?" at Paços do Conselho, C. M. Porto (Porto).
Title of the work presented: "Que Ruído é este? / Cada um os ouvia falar na própria língua / E ainda assim os entendíamos" [What noise is this? / Everyone heard them speak in their own language / And we still understood them]


Catalogue launching "QUE SAIS-JE?".


Group show "QUE SAIS-JE?: LIVROS E EDIÇÕES DE ARTISTA DA COLEÇÃO DE SERRALVES", at the Serralves Library, Porto.


Performance "Cálice. Ensaio, meta-ensaio e pintura" (part of the anozero Bienal de Arte Contemporânea de Coimbra) at the Casa da Escrita, Coimbra.

Group show "Louro e Bambú - segundo acto, figuração do exótico", at the CAAA - Centro para os Assuntos da Arte e Arquitectura, Guimarães.

Group show "远影-distant-shadow" at the Jimei X Arles Festival, Xiamen.


Performance "T-A-R-T-A-R-U-G-A" part of the event "THE MUSEUM AS PERFORMANCE" at the Serralves Museum, Porto.


Talk and organizer of the publication's development workshop - Travelogue Summer School, Porto.


Performance "Néon e Procelária" (part of program PERFORMANCE... AGAIN! #2) at the Teatro Municipal Rivoli, Porto.

Group show "QUE SAIS-JE ?", at the CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux.

Group show "A Generative Library: Grand Opening of Büro BDP", at the Broken Dimanche Press Office, Berlin.


Talk with António Preto about the solo exhibition "Seguir as luzes verdes / Following the green lights" at ARTES project, Porto.

Presentation of the book "Relevos / Reliefs" at Livraria de Serralves (Porto) with the artist Jumana Manna.

Solo show at the ARTES project (Porto), "Seguir as luzes verdes / Following the green lights" and release of the publication, "Femme qui passe".

Illustrations for "Margem ao Abandono Medeia-Material Paisagem com Argonautas", Heiner Müller. Collaboration with Teatro Nacional S. João, Porto.

Participation (through Salt Distribution) at THE NY ART BOOK FAIR (NY).

Group show "A boca do Inferno", at Sismógrafo (Porto). Title of the work presented: "The Clash Of Time In A Casted Scent"

Presentation of the book "Relevos / Reliefs" at Archive Kabinett (Berlin) with the artist Jumana Manna. 

Talk at the event KRAFT — held at the Fine Art Faculty of University of Porto.

Jury member at the BPBD (best portuguese book design).


The book "plateau singers merge languages together / os cantores de planaltos fundem linguagens" is now available at the online bookstore Vermikko Japan.

Represented by Galeria Quadrado Azul at Art Brussels, Brussels.

Texts published in Le Monde diplomatique, Portuguese Edition, title "Transit Saturn in opposition to Jupiter: walking like a crab".


Navio Vazio new website.


Performance "É um oceano; não é uma poça de onde se bebe uma vez / It's an ocean, not a puddle from which to drink once", in Sob o signo e Amadeo, Um século de Arte, at Centro de Arte Moderna, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.